Harvest offers two ongoing adult Sunday school classes. Anyone over 18 is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Currently, an 8:30 am adult Sunday school class meets on Zoom to study books and scripture on Biblical topics. If you want a link, us.

Each week, the Agape Sunday school class (former the To Be Disciples - TBD) meets at the 9:00 am. This in-personal class is an opportunity to gather for deep and meaningful conversations about Scripture and topics of Faith.  Usually we will follow the Lectionary or the Upper Room.

Both Sunday school classes provide opportunities to create relationships, get to know others in our church, and live out our Faith in community as Jesus instructed us. The goal is to empower individuals to strengthen their Spiritual Gifts, extend care to those in need, and welcome and discuss new ideas in a safe setting.  

There is a seat available for you at either Sunday School class. ALL are welcome!

Questions?  Email Nick Lee, Director of Discipleship