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Mar 09, 2025

Spring Training

Spring Training

Passage: Luke 4:1-13

Speaker: Rev. Rafe Vigil

Spring Training for followers of Christ is the season of Lent. These are the 40 days we focus on leveraging our spiritual disciplines to grow in Christ, strengthen our spiritual gifts, and build up the church. It is truly a time to practice our faith in a deeper way so that at the end of Lent, a new and stronger life in Christ is evident in us. Spring Training is to get better and solidify team chemistry. Players are recovering from injury, developing new skills, and practicing constantly, all for one purpose: to get better and build the team. All too often, we see Lent as a private season of giving up something, usually something simple. Lent can be a season of growing, getting better and stronger, and recovering from a broken past. The purpose is to develop and have new life at Easter. Are we eager for new life, spiritual gifts, and a stronger community of faith? Well, let’s start practicing in a very intentional way.