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Mar 08, 2017

LENT Midweek Study, based on THE SHACK - March 8, 2017

LENT Midweek Study, based on THE SHACK - March 8, 2017

Speaker: Rev. Michael Pestel

Series: LENT Midweek Study, based on THE SHACK

Lent is a season in the church year that calls us to join Jesus on the path of surrender, walking through death to discover new life. We invite you to join us on Wednesday nights during Lent - March 8 through April 12, 6:45-8 PM - -for worship and study. You’ll want to purchase a copy of William P. Young’s novel The Shack to get the most out of our gatherings. The back cover of that book asks the question, “Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?” We find in Lent that God is working in the pain to redeem it - even to the point of transforming the ugliness of the cross of Christ into the utmost symbol of hope.