Dominican Republic

When Pastor Rafe and his wife Amy arrived at Harvest two years ago, they shared with the congregation their love and deep compassion for boys and teens living at Hogar de Ninos, an orphanage/group home in the Dominican Republic. The people of Harvest embraced the idea of supporting this mission opportunity with prayers and financial gifts. Additionally, in 2023 and 2024 mission teams traveled to the Dominican Republic to share God's love.

2024 Mission Trip - VBS Dominican Style

A big thank you to the Harvest community that supported our recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Your prayers, donations, and support made a Vacation Bible School, Dominican style, happen. There was also much play time and crafts done, along with cake and ice cream treats one evening and a pizza party another day. The pictures show a portion of our group showing off their picture frame craft, that includes a picture of them with one of our team members to help them remember they have friends praying for them.


Each day we had singing and a Bible lesson following the same program and themes we did here at Harvest in June, SCUBA.  Then we had recreation and craft time for hours.  Plus as always there was snacks, thanks to your donations. There will be more sharing and more pictures to come soon and again as we prepare to go next year.  Would you like to join the mission? Begin praying about it now.

Casa Misionera

Harvest is honored to partner with Casa Misionera which is located in the Dominican Republic. Students in their Christian leadership program have provided interpreters during our mission trips.

Casa Misionera provides a Christian Leadership Program for select young adults in the Dominican Republic. Working with local pastors and educators, they identify students who have the potential to become great Christian leaders. Students receive training and mentorship during a 4-year program, that runs parallel with their university schedule, with the goal of sending out effective leaders by graduation day.

Read About Casa Misionera Here