One worship gathering on March 2 at 10:30 AM!
Come! Join us for worship at our normal times of 9 AM or 10:30 AM!
In-Person Worship Gatherings
Harvest hosts two Sunday morning worship gatherings at 9:00 and 10:30 AM in the Harvest Centre. We invite everyone into the Harvest Centre 10 minutes prior to each gathering for a time to pray and prepare hearts and minds, to quiet the noises that distract us from being present in worship.
Our 9:00 AM worship service is designed to gather and encourage those who find meaning in worshiping accompanied by a praise band. The 10:30 AM gathering is for those who connect with God through traditional creeds and hymns. Both services feature an inspirational message that urges us to put our faith into action and celebrate Communion. The Communion table is open to all who wish to participate. Coming to Christ’s table each week reminds us of God’s love and provides an opportunity for gratitude and for God to work transformation within us.
To watch/listen today's worship experience in its entirety, click here or connect to our Facebook page here.
Unable to join us in-person worship? Join us online at Facebook or streaming on the Harvest website.
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