When Jesus began his ministry, he called 12 disciples to be his primary relational and ministry community. Jesus chose to love them, teach them, and pour himself into relationships with them, thereby creating the first ‘small group.’ The apostles continued Jesus’ model and formed a community of believers who loved God and loved one another. The early church did not construct its first church building for 300 years. When we look at the early church, we get a picture of small communities of people who followed Jesus together. These believers engaged in life together through teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, radical generosity, and corporate worship. They spent time together eating, learning, celebrating, proclaiming the Good News, and supporting each other (loving, forgiving, serving, weeping, encouraging, equipping, confessing, praying). This is the framework for all Harvest Small Groups.
Current Study Groups & Workshops
Are you searching for a way to grow your faith and find God in your midst? These discipleship studies and workshops are designed to help you seek God actively and intentionally.
We invite you to take advantage of these opportunities to grow in faith, to move forward on your faith journey, and to answer the call to follow Jesus as his disciple.
Study Groups
This 4-week Advent study will explore author Magrey DeVega's book, The Christmas Letters. We will experience the miracle of Christ's birth through the eyes of those who first shared this incredible story. We offer this study on Sundays or Mondays during Advent. |
Register - SundaysRegister - Mondays |
Workshops |
Advent is a season to lean into the experience of waiting for the Messiah. This is a guided retreat focusing on themes of waiting (for rescue, for justice, for renewal, for the return of Jesus). |
Learn More & Register |
Small Groups
At Harvest we have and offer several types of small groups:
Topic Groups meet to consider a certain topic. It may be a book (like Creating A Life With God by Daniel Wolpert), or a section of the Bible (like Ephesians by N. T. Wright), or a theme (like What Are The Names of God), or a seasonal study (like for Advent or Lent). These groups have a start and an end date with no maximum number of participants.
Discussion Groups are exactly what they sound like. They meet for a discussion (like the weekly sermon) or a Sunday School. Usually, these groups may have a start date and are ongoing with no maximum number of participants.
Harvest has four existing large topic/discussion groups.
Journeymen – This men’s group meets Friday mornings at a local restaurant for breakfast and Bible study. Typically about 25 men participate. They offer attendance on Zoom as well as in person. Learn more by clicking here.
TuesdayLIVE! – This women’s group meets weekly at Harvest for a fall and spring semester to study a book of the Bible or another Christian topic. About 100 women per semester participate as a large group, then breaks into small groups, including one group on Zoom. For more information, click here.
Sunday School - Currently, there are two Sunday School classes at Harvest. Click here for more information.
Life Groups are different. Eight to 17 people commit to gather regularly (weekly, biweekly, monthly) for at least a year to share each other’s day-to-day life in fellowship (often involving food). Long term relationships and trust are nurtured; loving support and prayer for each other is cultivated, in an effort to grow closer to one another and God. Each group takes on a shape of its own, defined by the personalities and engagement of the group members, with or without a ‘study.’ It is a fun and comfortable environment. There is always an ‘open chair’ for someone new and the group is prepared to divide if it grows too large. Interested in joining or forming your own Life Group, contact Nick Lee.
Worship includes discipleship and serving! Discipleship includes serving and worship! Serving includes worship and discipleship! In other words, you cannot have one without the other. You are invited to attend worship on Sundays at 9 AM or 10:35 AM. You are invited to join a small group. You are also invited to serve in one of the ministries at Harvest.